Hey guys, quick post today.
It's been a trying day...week....month....
I know it's all gonna get better.
I have it so much better than soooooo many.
And I am thankful.
But just like everybody....
sometimes I get down.
And feel really sorry for myself.
So I get up...
and go to work....
and focus on all the positives in my life.
So many that there is not room enough on this page to list.
So.......one really good thing.
I stopped for a quick run through the Salvation Army
on my way back to work from lunch.
Didn't have much money or time......
Do you know what this is?
A Hand Blown Princess House Crystal Vase.
(it's really hard to photograph clear glass)
It's about 6" high and about 6" wide at its widest.
It was dirty and just mixed in with everyday glass vases.
But It's Beautiful
And I love it!
I have gotten several Princess House pieces
over the last year or so.
People don't know what they are most of the time,
so they are cheap!
I used to sell PH like 15 years ago,
so I appreciate the quality and workmanship
that goes in to their products.
I just can't afford them.
WOW! They are pricey!!!
OK, are you ready for the SA (salvation army) price?
Drum roll..........
50 cents.
Yes.....I know!
Ya know,
people tell me everyday
that they just can't find anything good
when they go to a yard sale or thrift store.
I would say,
most of the time, I don't either.
But then, when you do, it's just GREAT! LOL.
I know, I've finally lost it!!!
I'm lovin' it!!! I used to sell PH too, so I know what you mean. If you see it in a thrift store or resale shop, GRAB IT!!! Great piece!