Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I Just About Cried

I love Christmas
and I love Thrifty Finds,
so today......
is my day!!!

Here is my advise on the Salvation Army,

or any Thrift Store or Yard Sale for that matter.


You would not believe how much favor you can get!!!!

Just by being nice!!!!!

For example.

I was in the SA yesterday.

One of the employees was putting out some Christmas Items.

Now mind you...

This is a sweet/not so sweet lady

I see in there almost everyday.

I'm ALWAYS nice to her.

Ask her how her days going,

Smile at her,

Please and Thank You's!

This advise is not only about getting good deals.

It's about how to stand out as a Christian.


we might be the only person that's nice to them all day!

I try to remember that it says in Matthew that they

'will know us by our fruits.'

I actually went through a drive thru

at a busy BBQ restaurant close by where I work

a few months ago.

I acted the way I normally do

to the lady at the window.

And she said,

"Do you know you are the first person that's been

through here today that's been nice?"

I have kicked myself over and over

for not having a quick comeback

that would let her know why I am different,

That it's not me,

it's Christ living in me.

But I will try not to ever be caught off guard

if it happens again!

So there is my sermon for the day! BE NICE!

Anyway, back to my story about the SA.

When I was in yesterday looking at some Christmas Stuff,

my worker said,

"Hey, come back in a little while,

I'll be putting out some good stuff".

I thanked her

and told her I wasn't sure if I could

because I go to class on Tuesday Nights.


I was there when they opened this morning!!!!

Here are a few of the cute things I got!!!

Three large Santa's. $1.25 and $1.50 each.

Cute Cute Cute paper mache Santa
and 4 hand stitched stockings.
$.50 cents each!

Snowman family,
Had to nearly fight off a TSD (thrift store diva)
to get the whole set!
(What did I just say about NICE? LOL)
And next.......
I saw it in the back on the wall.....
and I wasn't sure if my legs were gonna carry
me over to get it....
It was one of the most beautiful things
I have ever seen.....
And It was $3.50!!!!!
And now its mine!
I just about cried.....

Its made out of paper mache kind of stuff
and I didn't even notice till I was paying
that Joseph is missing a hand
and the top is broken off
one of the finials.
I don't care.
Just adds character!
And as I was paying,
my employee said,
"I told you to come back"
I am so Highly Blessed and Favored!


  1. You are blessed!! What great finds!!!

  2. What a beautiful example of Christ living in you! And your finds... they are great!! :)

  3. I work in retail and we definitely remember friendly, nice people. I strive to be that way myself, because like you said, you never know who might not have seen a friendly face all day! Beautiful finds and beautiful post!

    Be Blessed!
